Water Fitness & Wellness

Release, Relax, Unwind
"Make your baby a part of your fitness routine. It adds some tension and makes the challenge bigger and better. Also, it's a bond that you and your baby share that is so special!"

Robin is originally from Gainesville, GA. After college and moving to South Florida, she decided to return to her roots and has since lived in Gainesville for 15 years.
In June of 2011 she was looking for a way to relieve stress while struggling with unexplained infertility, in a refreshing and peaceful setting. Growing up with Lake Lanier in her backyard, the water was always a place of solace, so what better way to reconnect than with the aquaBelly® in-water fitness program!
After learning about aquaBelly®, she was instantly hooked! In the summer of 2011 Robin trained under Founder Samantha Bense in Boca Raton , FL. She was amazed at how much it changed her life. The support, accountability and refreshing workouts were just what Robin needed to feel like herself again.
Robin is thrilled to be a Coach in Gainesville, GA an to help other women feel their best too! She has been a Coach now for nine years and is a happy wife and mamma of three precious kids. Now after baby number three she is ready to "Get Fit, No Sweat" with you!
~ XO, Robin
Certified aquaBelly® Coach
aquaBelly Baby™
"The sunrise brings hope for the new day, the sunset brings a sense of peace that everything is going to be alright. A new chance. A new day."